The story begins with Piscine Patel (also known as Pi), finding himself stranded in a life boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. To make matters worse, a 450 pound tiger is his his shipmate. With nowhere to run, Pi is forced to train the tiger as a lion tamer would to a lion. In order to survive Pi must be able to handle the tiger, and handle himself.
The novel is written extremely well. The book is really hard to put down once you start it, and when it's finished, you will be thinking about it for hours. I do not recommend finishing this book just before heading to bed. I'm giving Life of Pi a 4.5 out of 5.
Does this book deserve to be on the BBC List?
Yes. On the surface of the book, you have a compelling story of survival (which is a little hard to believe). However, underneath the top layers is the real story, a story with a message that I think everyone should at least consider at one point in their lives. The book is definitely worth your time, and the next time you see a copy of it, grab it.
Does this book deserve its spot on the BBC List?
I'm very happy with where this book is placed. I think 51 is the perfect number. As much as I enjoyed the book, I do not think it should be any higher. The creators of the BBC List got this one right on the money.
I will add it to my reading list. I love a good story with a message. Thanks, Cody.