Friday, November 9, 2012

The Amazon Kindle Fire

Good morning Everyone,

As most of you know, I hurtled into the technology world of reading by purchasing my first e-Reader. A few weeks ago, I went to Best Buy and bought a Kindle Fire.
Today I will be reviewing this device specifically.

To start off, the screen is about 7 inches large ( rough estimate, don't quote me on it), and is colored.
When you first open the Kindle you are given a brief overview of how to work your device. It is quite helpful, and very short.

As you discover the settings, you can adjust the volume for your device, and the brightness. You will also be able to change Wi-Fi settings.

Once you are ready to go, you can browse easily through your games, apps, books, music, and videos. When you begin browsing the store, you will be able to find some  free books to get you started. You will also find that new releases are cheaper than the shelf price at your local new bookstore.

When you enter a novel you are reading, you can adjust the font, the font size, the background color (personally I prefer sepia because it is not as bright), how wide the margins can be, or whether you want the text to speech. You can also "bookmark" pages that you would like to refer to later. When you bookmark a page you can go through Notes and see where you marked (may be good for those of you who would like textbooks).
The larger screen allows your gaming experiences to be more enjoyable. Angry Birds is ten times more fun than your phone.

One major downside to the Kindle (or any device) is the battery life. That is one feature that books will always prevail in. The Kindle's battery life is fairly long, but when you need to charge you are unable to do anything on your device. You must wait for it to charge before you can continue reading.

My Kindle does not have 3G capabilities. I chose not to buy the devices with the 3G because I am almost never in a place that does not have Wi-Fi. You can however play your already downloaded games and books without Wi-Fi if needed.

When you purchase your device, I recommend that you also purchase a carrying case (range from 20-50 dollars). This will save your device if you drop it. You may also consider buying a pen to use instead of your fingers. Screen protectors are also something to consider.

All in all, I think the Kindle Fire deserves a 9 out of 10.

I chose not to buy the Kindle Fire HD, because I don't think 40 extra dollars is worth it. With my Kindle Fire, the case, and the pen, it cost me 215.00. The Kindle Fire HD itself is 200.00.

The Nook I hear is a good buy, but I don't know anyone with it, and I was skeptical to purchase one. I also would rather have Amazon as my book provider rather than Barnes & Nobles.
Comparison of the Kindle Fire and the Nook Color

If you are still curious about e-Readers, please browse around the internet. Consumer Reports is a great source for information, and I used it personally to help make a decision. If, after browsing the internet and talking to friends, you cannot make a decision on whether you want one or not, don't buy one. Regular books may be your best option.

I hoped this helped you, please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions about the Kindle Fire. Everyone have a great morning!

Keep Reading.

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