Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stephen King's 11/22/63


In 1973, Stephen King published his first novel Carrie. After almost forty years, Mr. King publishes his first novel involving time travel. 11/22/63 revolves around the story of a man going back to prevent the JFK assassination. 

Jake Epping, a divorced english teacher, is drafted by a dying restaurant owner who discovered a "rabbit hole" that takes you back in time. The only hitch in the plan, is that the hole takes you back to a specific time. This particular hole takes Mr. Epping back to 1958, five years before the assassination.

I have always been a devout King fan. I have read almost all of his works, and I own 55 books by him. 
This novel however, is one of the few books that I don't particularly enjoy. 

11/22/63 started out fantastic. It was textbook Stephen King. But as it got into the middle of the book, I found it harder to connect to the story. I finally gave up halfway through the novel.

If you really enjoy Stephen King, I wouldn't hesitate to read this book. Some of his best-selling novels are one's that I can never get into ( like the Stand for instance). From me personally, I give 11/22/63 2 stars out of 5. Maybe sometime in the future I can complete it and give it a different rating.

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