Thursday, October 18, 2012

What Am I Up To?

Hello Everyone,

I was thinking about what I wanted to post on today, and before you log off thinking I'm going to ramble on about myself, it is about books.

Since I only get to mention what I am reading AFTER I read it, I do not get to really share with you on what's ahead (unless I do it at the end of the blog).

So, instead of giving a brief mention of what I am up to, I thought it would be an interesting idea to write a whole post on what you as my readers have to look forward to.

As of this morning, I have knocked out 500 pages in The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest, I hope to finish it before this weekend.

The next book on my agenda is one I mentioned a couple posts ago. Nelson DeMille released a new novel in his John Corey series( one of my favorite series'), and I intend to give it my undivided attention. I should also post about the series in general ( which I have not yet done) so if you have not heard of it I will give you an brief description of the five books in the series, plus the recent sixth addition. Of course I can not mention a whole lot in the novel( due to the fact that it arises from the previous five and I do not intend to ruin those books for you:) but I will give you a taste.

 When I get around to it, I will hopefully be able to finish the last five books in the Janet Evanovich series everyone seems to be enjoying. I also heard from a little birdie that the 19th addition to that series is being released soon. I should have these and all the previous books I have not discussed coming your way ( I can discuss these in more detail, since the books are only remotely related to each other).

Michael Palmer is also in my huge stack of books to read. I have four books on my shelf and I intend to get them done  before summer rolls around again. I also have a few I have already read that need to be mentioned.

I have already stated this in a previous blog, but soon I will have my first comparison of authors (coming rather soon actually). The two contenders will be Michael Palmer and Robin Cook. Now, I am sure most of you know who I think the winner will be ( I have several Palmer books and only one Cook) but there are strengths and weaknesses in both authors. I hope this will give you some insight on who you would prefer to read in the medical suspense category.

Besides what I have previously spoke of, I have Stuart Woods, James Rollins, James Patterson Michael Connelly, Pearl S. Buck, and a few good non-fiction titles such as David McRaney's You Are Not So Smart, and Stephen King's On Writing on my long list. As always, look for BBC Titles, they seem to come out of nowhere (hint: one may be coming soon!)

On a local note, If you happen to be in the Caldwell or Boise area, please stop by  The Rubaiyat on Oct. 25th for an event from 4:00 to 6:00pm. Bob Sobba, Michael Dittenber & Sandra Bernsen (all local authors) will be there, along with great local wine, food, and wonderful company. Please stop by and get to meet some of treasures Idaho has to offer.

I will also have an audio interview with Amy Perry, owner and operator of The Rubaiyat. We will discuss the aspects of owning a used book store and the enjoyment she has in running it each and every day. The interview will be posted on my blog, and on The Rubaiyat's Facebook page (link on the right hand side of my blog). You should expect it early next week

Well, that's all follks!

Keep Reading!

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